So on my second day in Figuig, I was walking down the street when I happend to run into Ismail, a Figuigian who seems to know everyone. After about 5 minutes I found myself in his car on the way to eat lunch with ihs family. That evening he took Darrin and I on a tour of Figuig and then back to his house to for dinner and to meet his wife Yamina. The next day they were making couscous, so we wentt o watc...it is actually quite a long, inolved process. At teh couscous making, I met a high school teaher, Zhor. She invited me to spend some time at her place and I told her that once I had left Darrin, I would return to Figuig and spend some time there and with her...as it turned out, I turned up on her dorstep with my backpack two days later. I spent the rest of the week in Figuig, staying with Zhor and spending time with Ismail and his family, trying to figure out what I was going to do. Figuig and Figuigians are the greatest. I really didn't know that I was looking for something when i left home, and I for sure didn't know what it was that I was looking for...but whatever it was, I have found it here in Morocco, after changing the original plans and headin off on my own. Morocco, as you will see in my next posts is a beautiful country, with teh most amazing people I have ever met. Ant to make it even better, they are Muslim mainly and givne what I see in the media at home it is the lost amazing opportunity to be able to experience living in a Muslim community first hand, really changes things and it has been the most valuable experience on my trip. If you have time, chenk out the Figuig website.
The photos are Yamina making couscous, Ismail and Yamina's house, a wedding, the mosque, Mohammed and Samad, Making couscous, Yamina and Ismail, the plam trees, lots and lots of couscous, and a boy in an alleyway.
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