A couple days after arriving in Geneva, I left again for a week to go and visit my friend Noora, who I met in Nepal. After an entire day of travelling (which was mostly spent waiting in Stansted airport) I arrived in Tempere to an announcement that it was minus 18 degrees celcius. Well I met with Noora and we spent the night at ther parents house. The next day we went to her summer cabin, it is on a lake, that is completly frozen...we walked across it. Then we went into the sauna, apparently most houses in Finland have a sauna in them, I guess that it is very important given the climate. Noora is working as a Subsitute teacher, so i got to go to school with her. I did a presentation on my trip. Since I dont speak Finnish, Noora had to translate for me. It was a special day for the elementary school kids, right before thier big exams, the high school kids dress up in costumes and come to the elementary school on the back of a big truk and give out candy. The students were really excited. In the afternoon we took the grade five class cross country sikking...I was by far the worst...surprise, surprise. On Friday we went ice swimming in one of the frozen lakes near in Tempere. It was insane, there is a spot where there is a staircase into the water anda they have cleared the ice. First you sit in the sauna and then you go in the lake and then back to the sauna, but it is colder than I ahve ever been. But it was awesome. We sepent the weekend on a farm where Noora used to work with the horses. WE went driving the horses in the snow, which is kind of like being on a chariot type thing. It was amazing. I met a bunch of Nooras friends and family aqnd they were really nice, so thinks to everyone there! We also went ice skating on the lake, but we only had one pair of skates so I went while Noora walked and then Noora went while I walked. Finlad was a really cool place to visit...I could not believe all the snow. On my way back to Geneva, I had to spend the night in a London airport. When I got there, there were these two German guy who had boght tons of yohuhrt and then found out that they could not take it past security. SO they were eating it like crazy, I thnk that in 5 mins they each must have had at least 20 things of yoghurt and then they started giving it out to random people...it was really fuuny.
The photos are of: Noora and I, Cross Country Skiing, The lake where we went ice swimming, me ice swimming, driving Dolly Temper and skating on a frozen lake.